Nintendo Switch First Look Impressions

 Kevin Kelly

I forgot to react to the Nintendo Switch last month. After seeing this trailer several times, I’d have to eventually.  Looks like Nintendo has learned a hefty amount of lessons from the Switch reveal a couple of weeks back. The excitement still looms even after the push to January for a bit of a release of certain details. The Switch has already impressed the some of the competition. What the world knows is it’s a hybrid. Half-console and half-mobile handheld. The system itself feels more or less similar to one of Nintendo’s one-hand-off system: the Game and Watch. The controllers detach into “Joy-Con” controllers.

Yep, the 80s helped out with this one from Nintendo. The Game And Watch only held one title. For any 90s kids out there, the games, from Game and Watch got a good release on the Game Boy. Nintendo’s roots and its’ present form has clearly shown inspiration from there. The Switch Dock puts the Nintendo Switch’s display to TV.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild has been seen to have a dual console release. The companies that are supporting the console have surpassed the Wii-U’s initial move.

According to GameSpot, it’s a great line-up compared to the yester-system’s parts. The list is an improvement and from what the trailer’s given out, we’re seeing quite a show. Bethesda has already shown its’ prized Skyrim on Switch. Survey says? it looks like it ran without a hiccup. The Nvidia is already excited over Switch.

The anime-inspired Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be on both the Wii-U and Switch(gameplay here)

My initial impressions start with a bit of “wow”. The system looks clean enough to use.  As for the use cases, I don’t necessarily see why I would bring this to a party. Probably if the system nails down some extra special fighting games or maybe some eSports specials like Call of Duty  and Street Fighter, perhaps there’d be some sort of potential buy. The Third-party companies seem to be handled decently. Sticking to cartridges is a bold move. Especially now, since DVDs seem to be the popular choice.


The first look of Nintendo Switch From A Gamer’s perspective

To some, the catch-up game seems to be still an issue for Nintendo until the stats come out in January. I’d still want to take a crack at Nintendo Switch’s hardware before I could judge it. The price-point is make-or-break in Nintendo’s new hardware debut. Wii-U and 3DS have been stated not to be phased out by the new kid. Peripherals seem to change, leaving the PS4’s usability still at top-dog status, but at least there will be a pro controller to work with. Hopefully, the dock is not a separate piece to get when it comes to the Switch.

Still, I have other questions. Will the Switch be the answer to Scorpio and Pro’s looming existence in the AR/VR world? Only January 12th, 2017 will tell.